The Silver Bullet
For years, Coors beer could only be found in 11 states, near its roots at the base of the Rocky Mountains in a mining town called Golden, Colorado. All that changed in 1991, when it finally made its way east and showed up in all 50 states. One of its facilities now calls home in Elkton, Virginia, the MillerCoors Brewing - Shenandoah facility. It was here Tyler Dovel needed a large motor over the weekend to keep the juice flowing. Piedmont Delivery Service is known for its same-day delivery and large transport vans to carry heavy equipment, such as large parts and motors. We arrived at 2:10am in Elkton, Virginia with the large motor on board. Experience matters and this year marks my 28th year in the Delivery Service industry. For that we raise a glass and say thanks to all of our great customers!
All My Best,
Eddie Eubanks
Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC