Cleaning Up
From the flu, to Covid, to RSV, this winter has been filled with germs everywhere. Hopefully you’ve been able to avoid these nasty germs and have remained healthy. One handy source for clean-up that’s been around for years is Clorox. The company headquarters has always been in Oakland, California, where the founders first used salt water from the San Francisco Bay to make bleach more than 100 years ago. Technically speaking, bleach is made of mostly water and sodium hypochlorite, which is the active ingredient that cleans and kills germs. One of their many manufacturing facilities is located in Forest Park, Georgia and makes what they call home care products. That’s where James Davis III needed the help of Piedmont Delivery Service on a Saturday night. With the much needed part in hand, our driver pulled up to the Georgia plant at 8:27pm. We call that The Piedmont Difference!
All My Best,
Eddie Eubanks
Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC