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Bluegrass Bound

In the early 80’s, grocery powerhouse Kroger opened its first manufacturing plant in a small town in western Kentucky, home to Murray State University. Kenlake Foods started with 38 employees and four day shifts a week. Today, hundreds of employees work 24/7. The manufacturing plant specializes in more than 800 items, mostly dry mixes and salted nuts, plus much more. We would assume Kenlake gets its name because it's not far from Kentucky Lake. Kenneth Mohler needed a motor to keep the plant running, and reaching out to Piedmont Delivery Service on a Tuesday was a smart move. Our driver pulled up to the plant in Murray, Kentucky at 7:00pm central time. We’re sure the town is keeping the Kroger store busy, prepping for Murray State Racer football games and the tailgating to go with it. Go Racers!

All My Best,

Eddie Eubanks


Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC


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