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Breaking Bread

There is nothing that beats the aroma of fresh baked bread. In Baltimore, Maryland, that appetizing whiff of cinnamon and rye bread is a common scent throughout the streets, as those freshly baked goods from H&S Bakery come off the production line. H&S Bakery is a mainstay in Baltimore. Lured to America by a dream of a better life, Harry and Steve, for whom the bakery is named started by making Italian bread by hand. Now the family continues to give back to the people who helped them realize their dreams. Shawn Winder needed an electrical part at the bakery on a Saturday. Piedmont Delivery Service is always ready for the task at hand. Our driver picked up the part around 4pm and headed north to Baltimore. Navigating downtown Baltimore is just a part of the plan and we arrived Sunday morning on time around 2am. H&S Bakery was happy to see us, we were happy to help keep the appetizing aroma alive in Baltimore.

All My Best,

Eddie Eubanks


Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC

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